Submitting an Assignment

All labs and projects must be electronically submitted. Lab #1 is an exception to this rule.

Homeworks should be submitted in hard copy form.

Remember: labs are due by the end of the 6th day after they're given. For example: if you had a Monday recitation on Monday January 24th, then you must submit your lab before the midnight that causes the Sunday January 30th to become the 31st.

The only two exceptions to this are:

  • extenuating circumstances
  • lab #1 (which is due on the 7th day after your lab #1 recitation)

Submitting an Electronic Copy

The submission system has changed. Lab #4 should be submitted using the old system (see old instructions below). Lab #5 and on (including project #1) should be submitted in the following way:

Go to the submission site and use the online form. You may have to confirm a security exception. The security exception exists because the Pitt CS department's SSL certificates are not signed by a large company such as VeriSign. This security exception will only affect your usage of SSL/HTTPS on

Your username is your Pitt username (e.g., if your email address is "" then your username is xyz).

Your password is your PeopleSoft ID. Your PeopleSoft ID can be found by going, then choosing "PeopleSoft Login." Click "Self Service," "Campus Personal Information," and then "Demographic Information." Your PeopleSoft ID will be shown.

From the dropdown box, choose the appropriate selection. E.g., if submitting your lab #5, choose "Lab 5."

OLD Submission instructions

Only use these instructions for lab #4 and older.

Put your Pitt user name in the filename, followed by an underscore. For example:

Assignments must be submitted electronically, using a client like FileZilla. Also, WinSCP is a fine client.

You should submit ONLY 1 file electronically per assignment. The file name should start with your Pitt username, followed by an underscore, and then the lab/assignment. For example:

You should submit a .zip/.tar.gz/.bz2 file containing as many files as the lab requires (do not submit a .rar or .7z file). Be sure to place the file in the appropriate subdirectory (e.g., if submitting lab #4, put it in the lab04 folder).

Submitting via anonymous FTP

Server Name:
User name: anonymous
Password: asdfjkl; (password doesn't matter)

Then, navigate to the incoming/CS0447-rmoore folder, and place your file there. Be sure that your Pitt username is included in the filename. Do NOT go to the CS447 that you see immediately. Be sure you go to the incoming folder, and then the CS0447-rmoore folder.

Office Hours

Office hours are posted on my contact page.

Useful sites


Entries shown are for the entire week.

Meeting Time & Place

There are 4 recitations in total for all CS447 sections. Please refer to your schedule to find the proper meeting place.