
The test'll be on Thursday October 22nd.

How Much is this Worth?

According to the syllabus, this test will be worth 20% of your grade. However, it may very well end up being worth more than 20%, as I have not given any quizzes in class. The syllabus states that 10% of each student's grade will come from quizzes.

What'll be on it?

Everything we've covered so far? Here's a (fairly?) complete list of everything we've done.

  1. What various acronyms mean (HTML, CSS, HTTP, etc.)
  2. What XHTML strict means (versus transient)
  3. how a web server works (identify the server name, protocol, file name, directories the file is in, how the data is transferred [TCP? UDP? ZOM? BIE?])
  4. How to use tags properly (including using empty elements properly):
    1. img, the hs (h1, h2, etc), p, a (including links to other pages, links to another part of the current page, etc), div, span, em, strong, table, td, tr, th, ol, ul, li, hr, link, meta, html, body, head, title
  5. CSS, including:
    1. font-size
    2. font-family
    3. font-weight
    4. color
    5. list-style
    6. using borders
    7. text-align
    8. text-decoration
    9. text-transform
    10. using margins and padding
    11. backgrounds and their options (e.g., image position, image repeating, background color, etc.)
  6. "advanced" CSS and why you would do these things:
    1. CSS classes (writing the CSS for a class and having an HTML element use that class)
    2. CSS IDs (writing the CSS for an IDed element and having an HTML element created using that ID)
    3. Full control over links to other pages (changing style when a user hovers, when a user has already visited a page, etc.)
  7. ways to use colors:
    1. hex #00FF00 and shortcut hex #0F0
    2. name (red, black, etc)
    3. rgb(0,255,0) or rgb(0%,100%,0%)
  8. types of images and what they might be used for:
    1. png
    2. jpeg
    3. gif
    4. bmp
  9. floats (how to make something float (left or right), making a multicolumn layout, making sure floats fit side by side, and making elements clear beyond a float [e.g., a footer])

What won't be on it?

The exact specifics of how to make an XHTML strict template as seen in XHTML template. For example:

  1. the <!DOCTYPE html blah blah blah> part
  2. the <html xmlns="…"> part. Just know that you need to start a page with the <html> tag to tell the browser that the page is an HTML page.
  3. the <style type="text/css"> … </style> part. You'll need to know that the style tag is used to put CSS within the page, but not EXACTLY how to use it.
  4. the <link rel= blah blah blah /> part. You'll need to know that it's used to tell the browser to use a separate style sheet, but you won't need to know the exact specifics.
  5. the specifics of using a meta tag to, for example, include search engine keywords