1. Visit the W3C Markup Validation web page. Open it up in another web browser window or tab so that you can switch between these directions and the validator page. (Right click the link and left click "Open Link in New Window" or whatever is appropriate for your operating system and browser)
  2. You will see 3 tabs at the top:
    • "Validate by URI"
    • "Validate by File Upload"
    • "Validate by Direct Input"
  • If your page is available online (i.e., people can view it at http://www.somedomain.tld/filename.fileextension), click the "Validate by URI" tab
    1. Simply paste or type in the URL of your web page into the provided text box.
    2. You shouldn't need to specify the encoding or document type if you used the provided template.
    3. Click the "Check" button to verify your page's compliance.
  • If your page is available only on your computer, click the "Validate by File Upload" tab
    1. Click the "Browse" button and find the file stored on your computer which you'd like to check.
    2. You shouldn't need to specify the encoding or document type if you used the provided template.
    3. Click the "Check" button to verify your page's compliance.
  • If your page is available only on your computer and you are already editing it in an open text editor, click the "Validate by Direct Input" tab.
    1. Copy all of the markup of your web page from your text editor (keyboard shortcut to do so: Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C).
    2. In the provided text box on W3C's site, paste in your web page's markup (click in the textbox and press Ctrl-V).
    3. You shouldn't need to specify the encoding or document type if you used the provided template.
    4. Click the "Check" button to verify your page's compliance.