Homework #2

This homework is just to get you thinking about how various web sites look. It's simple and there is no right or wrong answer to anything.

The purpose of this homework is to make you consciously aware of what it exactly is that websites do right. That way, when you make your own websites you will be able to emulate some of these features to make your own site better/cooler.

What to Do

Think about 5 web sites that you visit often or have seen before. Specifically, think about web sites which look "cool" or "interesting" or "modern" etc. Don't worry about which websites have good/decent content, only focus on how they look and how well they display the information that they do have.

A good website might be one which lets the user quickly and easily access what they want. A good website might also be one which just looks really nice (and not like a standard boring website).

Focus (just by looking at it, view the HTML code if you're feeling adventurous) on how they do what they do. Things to think about might include:

  1. the site's use of color
  2. the site's display of navigation links
  3. the site's use of white space to help separate content
  4. the site's use of images to draw attention to various areas or to simply add 'texture' to it
  5. little touches (like its favicon or having a little miniature PDF icon beside links to PDF files)
  6. etc.

What to Turn In

I'd like a piece of paper with a listing of 5 websites that you particularly like. Do NOT type this information out. I'd like it written (pen or pencil). People seem to think in more depth and detail when they're using a pen/pencil. Under each listing, in at least 3 full sentences explain what you like about the site (each sentence should be at least 1 thing you like about it). Here's an example for 1 entry:

http://consumerist.com/ This site's postings have large, creative pictures associated with them which draw in my attention. Each entry is separated with a faint gray line, and popular comments appear on the side, letting me quickly get an idea of what people think about a posting. The comments are in gray, which makes the actual post itself stand out more. The site also uses a consistent color theme. The ads are not overly intrusive, they seem to fit where normal content would be, so they don't stand out too much and distract.

All websites are fair game except for:

  • search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.)
  • Facebook
  • MySpace
  • ESPN
  • sites which uses Adobe Flash for most of their interface (like mcchris.com)
  • http://consumerist.com (because I used it as my example)
  • ones which feature violence
  • ones which feature porn (software or hardcore)
  • a site like CSS Zen Garden, which purposefully shows off really well-designed sites

Due on Monday, November 3rd at the beginning of class. These don't really have a right/wrong answer to them. They'll be graded as follows:

Grading: Criteria:
100% credit (easily achievable) Full sentence thoughtful analysis (on 5 different sites) on paper with pen/pencil.
50% credit Thoughtful analysis, hastily done (lack of full sentences).
0% credit No attempt, or typed up on a computer.