
For this assignment, you will create a personal homepage that people might visit while searching for your name online. In other words, it'll be someone's "one stop shop for [your name here]."

Feel completely free to use made up contact information (addresses, biographical details). You should however use your own name. Your finished assignment will be publicly viewable online, so I don't blame you for not wanting to post your address online.

Due Date

Wednesday, September 10th (11:59PM)


Highly Recommended: Base your homepage off of the XHTML template that you used before.

Make a blank web page and add enough content to fill it up with content so that you are able to meet all of the requirements. Whether that content is made up or real, it doesn't matter. Detail an interesting vacation you took or talk about that time that you saved a princess (or prince) from a dragon.

Do use proper grammar and English sentences. People should be able to read it. For example, don't just copy and paste the words "content here content here" over and over again.

Required Tags:

  1. p
  2. div
  3. h1 through h6
  4. br (don't forget that br is an empty element, so you should use <br /> and not <br>)
  5. hr (another empty element)
  6. meta
  7. title (use an interesting title)
  8. comments tag (put your name in an XHTML comment tag, even if it is already on the page)

For this assignment, keep it simple; don't use any tags we haven't learned as a class. Some additional tags that you might want use (though, you don't have to) are the strong and em tags.

Use each tag properly. For example, don't use <p></p> to try to force a blank line. Use <br /> instead. It can be tricky

Additionally, you should change the background color of the page and use at least 3 different font colors. USE HEX CODES FOR COLOR ONLY. Do not use the names (e.g., white, black, etc.).

Be sure to name your file hw1.html.

Then, follow this guide here to upload your web page to your public web space. Be sure to put it in a cs134 directory. Since you probably don't already have a cs134 directory, make one in the public/html directory that you find there.

Verify that you can view it online (and possibly, see if a friend can also view it). Then, use the guide here to verify that it is XHTML compliant. If you can't get it to be perfectly compliant, that's okay; you won't be graded based on whether or not it is compliant. In future assignments though, you will. So, it's better to learn how to write compliant code while things are still simple. Then, email both me and the TA with a link to your page. To make the TA's life easier, tell them that you're on Monday/Wednesday's class.

Useful References

Please note that the book teaches both strict and transitional XHTML. So, if you follow some of the things the book tells you, your page won't verify as strict XHTML compliant. For the most part, if the book discusses how to use a certain tag (font, i, or b tags, for example) then ignore those parts. In strict XHTML you're not allowed to use tags that decide how the page will look.

Page in the Book What it Covers:
43 Block Level Versus Inline Elements
59 Hex colors and setting text color
60 Changing alignment
73 Briefly discusses the div tag