
The test'll be on Friday December 12th, in our normal class room but at 8:00AM.

What is the Makeup of the Test?

The test will have a multiple choice section (10+ questions), a true/false section (10+ questions), then a free response section.

In total, all questions together add up to 118 points. I don't expect that it'll take the entire final period (which is 1 hour, 50 minutes).

Some questions from the first test may appear again on the final.

What'll be on it?

Here's a (fairly?) complete list of everything we've done.

  1. What XHTML strict means (versus transient)
    1. what does XHTML stand for?
  2. parts of an element
    1. element name
    2. attribute
    3. attribute value
  3. block versus inline elements
    1. what is the generic block element?
    2. what is the generic inline element?
  4. How to use tags properly (including using empty elements properly):
    1. img, the hs (h1, h2, etc), p, a, div, span, em, strong, table, td (colspan, rowspan), tr, th, ol, ul, li, hr, link, meta, html, body, head, title, etc.
  5. CSS, including:
    1. how to tell the browser to reference an external CSS file
    2. what does CSS stand for?
    3. why should we even use CSS?
    4. font-size
    5. font-family
    6. font-weight
    7. color
    8. list-style
    9. text-align
    10. text-decoration
    11. text-transform
    12. using float (make an element float right, or left, for example)
    13. using borders, margins, and padding
      1. know which is the outermost and which is the innermost part of an element (e.g., is the margin beyond the border which is beyond the padding?)
      1. background color
      2. background image
        1. position
        2. tiling/no tiling of the background image
        3. attachment
  6. "advanced" CSS:
    1. CSS classes (writing the CSS for a class and having an HTML element use that class)
      1. why would you want to use classes?
    2. CSS IDs (writing the CSS for an IDed element and having an HTML element created using that ID)
      1. why would you want to give an element an ID?
  7. ways to use colors:
    1. hex #00FF00 and shortcut hex #0F0
    2. name (red, black, etc)
    3. rgb(0,255,0) or rgb(0%,100%,0%)
  8. types of images and what they might be used for:
    1. png
    2. jpeg
    3. gif
    4. bmp
  9. JavaScript
    1. JavaScript is not Java
    2. using variables
      1. global variables
      2. local variables (these exist only within a function)
      3. types of variables
    3. can you determine what a program's output will be?
    4. dynamically changing some property of the page (e.g., change an image, change the innerHTML, change the value of a text field, etc.)
    5. difference between x = y and x == y
    6. if statements, such as: if (name == "") …
      1. how to check if one condition or another is true ||
      2. how to check if one condition and another is true &&
    7. functions
      1. what they're used for
      2. why you would want to use it
      3. having a function return a value so that it can be used by the calling function
      4. having a function accept parameters
    8. adding event handlers to an element (onclick, onsubmit, onmouseover)
    9. adding JavaScript variables together (e.g., "Hi" + " " + "there!")
      1. adding numbers to a string
      2. adding numbers to numbers
      3. order of operations

What won't be on it?

  1. the <!DOCTYPE html blah blah blah> part
  2. the <html xmlns="…"> part. Just know that you need to start a page with the <html> tag to tell the browser that the page is an HTML page.
  3. the <style type="text/css"> … </style> part. You'll need to know that the style tag is used to put CSS within the page, but not EXACTLY how to use it.
  4. the <script type= blah blah blah ></script> stuff. Just know that you use the script tag/element to include JavaScript into the page (whether it is an external .js file or is directly embedded in the page)
  5. the <link rel= blah blah blah /> part. You'll need to know that it's used to tell the browser to use a separate style sheet, but you won't need to know the exact specifics.
  6. the specifics of using a meta tag to, for example, include search engine keywords
  7. JavaScript arrays
  8. JavaScript loops
  9. JavaScript animation (using setTimeout)
  10. JavaScript's NaN function (the Number function, e.g., Number("4") is still fair game)
  11. JavaScript string manipulation (someString.length, indexOf, charAt, substring, toLower/UpperCase)
    1. You should still be able to "add" things to strings and compare them